…the parched land shall become a pool, and the thirsty lands springs of water…(Isaiah 35:7)

Knowing Worth and Worth Knowing

If you knew me 22 years ago, you would have not really have known me. Who I was on the inside and who I was on the outside were two different men. There’s an old Freudian-type of idea that men with facial hair are symbolically hiding something. I don’t really buy that idea, but for […]

If Things Were Different

I want people who are harboring their struggle and suffering with it in secret to know that there are some positives that come from being open. I want them to know that they can dare to open up, if not in as public a way as I have, but to those they consider their friends and loved ones.

Can Anybody?

I was “out” long before it was so fashionable. Back in my day of “openness”, people hadn’t really heard of blogs. Videos like you can find on YouTube took hours and days to download. Conversations were mostly done on mailing lists and newsgroups. Most people who read this won’t even know what a newsgroup is.

Hide Your Husbands!

I try to be understanding about people wondering about me. I know that I’m an enigma. I know that I and my story take some getting used to.