…the parched land shall become a pool, and the thirsty lands springs of water…(Isaiah 35:7)

Natural Consequences

Do we really believe that the love of God will not only help us find eternal life, but will also shield us from the natural consequences of our choices? Is the result of faith a wall of protection that keeps us untouched by the things that happen when we make choices?

Reclothe Us in Our Rightful Mind

Something that I’ve known for quite some time but just came to the fore this last week is that I sometimes have a tendency to take beating myself up to an art form. 3 people like this post. Like Unlike

Have Patience With Me

[The] parable tells us that God has forgiven us a vast fortune of misdeeds and it behooves us to forgive all of those who owe us very little by comparison. I know that in my life, I owe God infinitely more than anyone owes me.

Another Day Older and Deeper in Debt

Today is my birthday, and I’ve probably had more well wishes from people from my past than ever before. I’ve loved it. The internet is a wonderful thing. Facebook gets the credit for me being remembered by so many. I won’t tell you how old I am, but some of you know. I don’t want […]