…the parched land shall become a pool, and the thirsty lands springs of water…(Isaiah 35:7)

Walked Around

When it came to where the sandal hits the road, he was the one who showed compassion, probably because he knew what it felt like to be walked around.

To Keep Me Mouth Shut?

One of my favorite movies, and an annual viewing tradition for me, is A Christmas Carol, many versions. I don’t feel like Christmas is complete unless I’ve watched the version with Alistair Sim as Scrooge and the musical version starring Albert Finney. I like other versions as well, but I always feel like I must […]

It Comes Back

It has been a rough couple of weeks for me, but it began over a year ago. I wrote about it on another post on another blog, Thud and Blood. The short version is that I went ATVing on some trails near Sandy, Oregon and wound up face down in the dirt with my leg […]

The Next Voice You Hear

Rex Goode ponders about a talk by President Boyd K. Packer at the October 2010 Semiannual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The talk, “Cleansing the Inner Vessel”, stirred a lot of controversy in its remarks about same-sex attraction. Rex Goode’s review speaks of civility and tolerance for all sides of the question of dealing with same-sex attraction and spirituality.

The Peace of Them That Make Peace

Few things are more destructive to healthy living than envy. Envy seems such a general thing that it’s hard to apply to it the usual Latter-day Saint cultural assignations of seriousness. You know what I mean. We like to know how much more serious one sin is than another. 5 people like this post. Like […]

The Infamous They

Earlier this week, I celebrated my thirty-third wedding anniversary, married to the lovely, talented, and magnificent former Miss Barbara Wade. I’m fortunate to have found whom I consider to be the best woman on the planet. I often get a chuckle when someone describes a very minor accomplishment, and someone sarcastically replies, “And they said […]

Even if it’s cute and cuddly…

….Do not pick it up. This my friends is an object lesson. My parents and I spent the evening at my sister’s house. In addition to a husband, two children, and two golden retrievers my sister also has a Flemish Giant rabbit as a house pet. Flemish Giants are evidently good house pets because they […]

Sports and Me

I have never really been enthusiastic about sports. If one believes stereotypes, it makes sense in light of the fact that I deal with same-sex attraction. If one believes in certain therapeutic models, becoming interested in sports is supposed to help with that, if “it” is something one thinks needs helping. Be the first to […]

Big Can of Worms

I really hate to bring this up, because experience has shown that I invariably offend people with this topic. I will disclaim right up front that nothing I say here is intended to be a criticism of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or its leaders, general or local. Some of you will […]

My Daily Universe Email Interview

I was recently interviewed by BYU’s Daily Universe article about Jonathan Langford’s No Going Back and my role in his research. Following are the responses I gave to the reporter by email. I just thought you might be interested in what I had to say. The article is “New novel explores personal struggle.” 2 people […]

Why I Did It

On the back cover of Jonathan Langford’s novel, No Going Back, there is my name as an endorser. Despite the embarassing mixed metaphor I used, I have no regrets endorsing this book. I have read in places about fears that this book will damage the youth of the Church. If tha were true, I would […]

Not Ashamed

Since my days in Seminary a very long time ago, I’ve been able to quote this scripture: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16). Be the first […]

Don’t Fence Me In

I first saw heard the old song, “Don’t Fence Me In”, on The Muppet Show with the immortal Bob Hope. It’s a great song, a great video, and possibly even a great message. Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Because I Wasn’t, You Can’t Be and If You Are, You Aren’t

Believe me, I really do understand how difficult it can be to be gay, Mormon, and married to a woman. In fact, I think men like me who stick it out are possibly even in a better position to speak to the difficulty. You can’t know how hard it can be to get to the […]

Brought to the Knowledge

I’m one who has always believed that truth is absolute, that our task in life is to discover the truth and then change to conform to that truth. I don’t buy that individuals have their own truth, though I am willing to accept that each person possesses a different understanding of the truth based on […]