…the parched land shall become a pool, and the thirsty lands springs of water…(Isaiah 35:7)

Were There Not Ten?

With the new confidence I gained from coming to understand that I was not alone and that I had great worth in the sight of God, I probably could have stopped going to support groups at some point. Many people think I should. I haven’t and I’d like to explain why.

Light Thoughts

I would bet that every person reading this has felt the frustration of having something to say and everyone else too focused on their own thoughts to really listen. Yet, even though we’ve all felt the sting of being misunderstood, very few of us make the effort to understand before we give our opinions.

My New Old Calling

Almost all of us have a calling. We are all involved in service in the Church, each of us working to further what we sincerely believe to be the work of God. Whether we are mobilizing to help in a natural disaster, doing humanitarian work in far off lands, teaching our children, or visiting each other to strengthen each other, we are all part of a vast juggernaut of good works in this world.

Teach the Gospel

After making somewhat of a nuisance of myself in How Silence Feels, people have wondered just what it is I think that local church leaders should be saying about homosexuality. I think it is an easy question, at least in my mind, but may be a little overwhelming for others. Then again, it’s a subject […]

Time Like an Ever-rolling Stream

Ever have one of those awkward moments when some of your work jargon slips out, and the person you’re talking to you just gives you a blank look? If you’re anything like me it happens once in a while. So with this blog post I thought I would share a little about what I do […]

Are You Ready For Easter?

…as a child, the idea of the Easter Bunny showing up to leave me a colorful basket full of green plastic “grass” with hidden candies and hard-boiled eggs, was almost as exciting as waiting for Santa Claus on Christmas morning. Halloween was OK, but a lot of work.

Walked Around

When it came to where the sandal hits the road, he was the one who showed compassion, probably because he knew what it felt like to be walked around.