…the parched land shall become a pool, and the thirsty lands springs of water…(Isaiah 35:7)

Knowing Worth and Worth Knowing

If you knew me 22 years ago, you would have not really have known me. Who I was on the inside and who I was on the outside were two different men. There’s an old Freudian-type of idea that men with facial hair are symbolically hiding something. I don’t really buy that idea, but for […]


People wouldn’t really know it, but when it comes to things like ward activities, I would much rather keep to myself than be noticed. Sometimes, I find myself sitting alone, and content to be so. I get along with my own thoughts very well.

Working Through the Pain

The last two weeks have been very painful for me. My old back injury has been giving me big problems. When I wake up in the morning, I can barely stand. It feels like an internal hydraulic press is dragging my body into a standing contortion that is excruciating.

Equal Before the Lord

In Taking the Plunge: A Leap of Faith, I wrote that I wasn’t as concerned about changing policies of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the Boy Scouts of America, as I was seeing the hearts of people change to be tolerant and loving towards those with same-sex attraction. I realize that […]

Nicer Than I Seem

A common mistake is to mistake assertiveness for meanness. I think that passivity and aggression are equally not nice. I’m not mean. I’m assertive.

The Goode Way of Seeing Things

I’ve tried many different looks in my lifetime, mostly related to my hair. I’m happy to say that at fifty-six years old, I still have all of it, unless I choose to shave it off. Likewise, I have tried a lot of different ideas out. While my hairstyle is a matter of choosing to try […]

Hide Your Husbands!

I try to be understanding about people wondering about me. I know that I’m an enigma. I know that I and my story take some getting used to.

The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep…

I’ve given a lot of thought to storms the last couple of weeks. Since I wrote my post about lighthouses and their strength amid the storms and relentless pounding, I’ve had some time to reflect on some of the storms in my own life. Some of them are things that I have no control over. […]

Hurry to Jesus

A few days ago, I was listening to a local Catholic radio station. The host of the program was a nun named Mother Angelica. She was answering questions from children, and also told the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1–10). 3 people like this post. Like Unlike

The Next Voice You Hear

Rex Goode ponders about a talk by President Boyd K. Packer at the October 2010 Semiannual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The talk, “Cleansing the Inner Vessel”, stirred a lot of controversy in its remarks about same-sex attraction. Rex Goode’s review speaks of civility and tolerance for all sides of the question of dealing with same-sex attraction and spirituality.

Wearing Pants to Church

Picture it! Fast and testimony meeting May 2010 in my ward. I direct the music each week, so I’m sitting on the stand. I tell myself I’m not bearing my testimony again. I do it each month it seems. I’m just sitting back. My knee hurts from a fall I took earlier in the week, […]

Because I Wasn’t, You Can’t Be and If You Are, You Aren’t

Believe me, I really do understand how difficult it can be to be gay, Mormon, and married to a woman. In fact, I think men like me who stick it out are possibly even in a better position to speak to the difficulty. You can’t know how hard it can be to get to the […]

How to Sink a Meeting

Support group meetings can go terribly wrong when crosstalk is not addressed.

Chronic Pain

In 1980, while working at a warehouse job, I was out at the dock doing receving. A case of cash register tape was being delivered. The dock was built to accommodate large semis. This package was being delivered by a small delivery type truck. Be the first to like. Like Unlike