…the parched land shall become a pool, and the thirsty lands springs of water…(Isaiah 35:7)

One Step Enough For Me

Myfriend, Eric, who posts here, reminded me of a favorite hymn that has blessed my life and given me comfort in difficult times. The hymn is Lead, Kindly Light, written by John Henry Newman. I hope you will take the time to read Eric’s entry, “Lead Thou Me On.” 4 people like this post. Like […]

Seek Not to Counsel the Lord

Sometimes it is really easy to get stuck in a way of thinking that leads to a dead end in life. I often find myself thinking that there is only one solution to a situation and that I must focus all of my efforts on that situation. I think this way of thinking results too […]

In All Our Trials, Born to be Our Friend

In addition to Messiah, we are working on various other Christmas music. One of the selections we did last night is one that I’ve always loved. O Holy Night, is one that I’ve sung and played countless times over the years. In the arrangement of it that we are doing, the tenors sing the melody in the second verse. But that second verse was particularly meaningful to me and had a profound impact. Particularly the middle of that verse which says, “The King of Kings, lay thus in lowly manger, In all our trials born to be our friend. He knows our need, to our weakness is no stranger…” Even writing it now it brings tears to my eyes. That was the message last night that I really needed. He Does know our need and is an eternal friend and comforter in times of trial.

The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep…

I’ve given a lot of thought to storms the last couple of weeks. Since I wrote my post about lighthouses and their strength amid the storms and relentless pounding, I’ve had some time to reflect on some of the storms in my own life. Some of them are things that I have no control over. […]

An Instinct for Barking

With all of these sources of information and commentary in all of the places where members of the Church can see them, it can result in confusion when the only thing being said is what everyone but the Church is saying.

Strong and Faithful Amid the Storms

A couple of weeks ago I took a little vacation trip up to Ashland, Oregon and the Oregon Coast. The trip was very restful and energizing. The gentle rhythm of the waves rolling in is one of the greatest lullabies ever. The visit with beloved friends was wonderful as well. But one of the most […]

Words of Wisdom from the Mother Abbess

This week is one in which I meet myself coming and going. It’s been a month of ups and downs. I’m house sitting while both my sisters are out of town. While I’ve been house sitting, I’ve had the opportunity to revisit some of my favorite movies. The Sound of Music has been one of […]

Hurry to Jesus

A few days ago, I was listening to a local Catholic radio station. The host of the program was a nun named Mother Angelica. She was answering questions from children, and also told the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1–10). 3 people like this post. Like Unlike

Be Still, and Know That I am God

In other times in my life, I might have given into temptation and done something I shouldn’t have. In the midst of the anxiety and discouragement though something happened that was different. I found a place in this noisy bustling city of quiet, and there I prayed. As I did so, I felt the anxiety and discouragement leave. And I realized the reason for the change was that I had decided to be still. And in that stillness, I found peace.

Hurts So Good

I have always loved hiking. Well, not always. When I was a youth, it was a real drag. I think that was not so much because I didn’t like it. It was more because I had such a bad experience as a Boy Scout.

Have Patience With Me

[The] parable tells us that God has forgiven us a vast fortune of misdeeds and it behooves us to forgive all of those who owe us very little by comparison. I know that in my life, I owe God infinitely more than anyone owes me.

Are You Ready For Easter?

…as a child, the idea of the Easter Bunny showing up to leave me a colorful basket full of green plastic “grass” with hidden candies and hard-boiled eggs, was almost as exciting as waiting for Santa Claus on Christmas morning. Halloween was OK, but a lot of work.

Walked Around

When it came to where the sandal hits the road, he was the one who showed compassion, probably because he knew what it felt like to be walked around.

God’s Truth Abideth Still

The truth of God is a great source of comfort and strength in a world of uncertainty and distress. It keeps on going as it has in ages past and continues to do so today. Several events this last week have made me profoundly grateful for his never ending love. 4 people like this post. […]

Chided the Billows and Hushed the Wind

Recently,  the choir that I sing in did a performance of Verdi’s Requiem. It’s a very dramatic work. If you’re familiar with Mozart’s Requiem think, Mozart Requiem on steroids. A lot of emphasis of the terrors of death and the final judgement. From a artistic standpoint it was nice to sing this again. I’ve sung […]