…the parched land shall become a pool, and the thirsty lands springs of water…(Isaiah 35:7)

You’ll Never Walk Alone

In 1945, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein wrote a musical called Carousel. It was based on an earlier non-musical play by  Ferenc Molnár  called Liliom. A number of well known songs came from that musical. One of them though is particularly inspiring and has been recorded by numerous artists and even been adopted as theme for a soccer club in […]

Equal Before the Lord

In Taking the Plunge: A Leap of Faith, I wrote that I wasn’t as concerned about changing policies of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the Boy Scouts of America, as I was seeing the hearts of people change to be tolerant and loving towards those with same-sex attraction. I realize that […]

Taking the Plunge

Many years ago, while serving as a Scoutmaster in a troop sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we backpacked up Eagle Creek Trail occasionally. It is and always has been my favorite piece of nature. From the first time I visited there in high school until I got too arthritic to […]

Nicer Than I Seem

A common mistake is to mistake assertiveness for meanness. I think that passivity and aggression are equally not nice. I’m not mean. I’m assertive.

How Silence Feels

My concern is for those who are still in the throes of trying to reconcile their feelings with the teachings of the Church. It is also for those who are the parents, family, and friends of those who experience same-sex attraction. How long can a person go on feeling abandoned and disconnected before they choose the only path that seems to hold out a sense of belonging and connection? How long can you endure silence of one influence before you open your mind to others?


Christmas–The Most Powerful Day of the Year: Christmas remains for me like the atonement itself. It has the power to change the very nature of human beings and bring out the best in them.

Can Anybody?

I was “out” long before it was so fashionable. Back in my day of “openness”, people hadn’t really heard of blogs. Videos like you can find on YouTube took hours and days to download. Conversations were mostly done on mailing lists and newsgroups. Most people who read this won’t even know what a newsgroup is.

Day of Peace

I will refrain from blame, unkindness, and threats against others who do not believe as I do. I will reach out to find common ground and express appreciation and understanding for the difficulty of all who find themselves pondering the dichotomies between their faith and sexuality.

Time Like an Ever-rolling Stream

Ever have one of those awkward moments when some of your work jargon slips out, and the person you’re talking to you just gives you a blank look? If you’re anything like me it happens once in a while. So with this blog post I thought I would share a little about what I do […]

His Wealth Untold

Life has a tendency of throwing us curve balls every once in a while. And while sometimes the message we may need to hear comes from something or someone dear and cherished, sometimes it’s otherwise.  5 people like this post. Like Unlike

The Hand of Providence

The hand of Providence is something for which I am profoundly grateful. Especially when it comes when I haven’t done something simple like look at a map. 4 people like this post. Like Unlike

The Goode Way of Seeing Things

I’ve tried many different looks in my lifetime, mostly related to my hair. I’m happy to say that at fifty-six years old, I still have all of it, unless I choose to shave it off. Likewise, I have tried a lot of different ideas out. While my hairstyle is a matter of choosing to try […]

Hide Your Husbands!

I try to be understanding about people wondering about me. I know that I’m an enigma. I know that I and my story take some getting used to.

Fear Not!

Throughout the scriptures and in hymns and other places of inspiration, there is a wonderful message. Fear not! 4 people like this post. Like Unlike

Change and Decay

The truth is, I think it is a losing battle if I am the only combatant. I am just too weak and too worn out to fight it alone. I am not fighting alone. My Captain and close Friend is Jesus Christ, and he is more powerful than even the cosmos. As Lyte described him, he is the one who “changest not.”