…the parched land shall become a pool, and the thirsty lands springs of water…(Isaiah 35:7)

Someone’s Ancestor

As I wrote, Granny and I talked. It wasn’t always about the ancestors, but when she knew something about the person whose name I was writing down, she would tell me stories about them. There was something about it that delighted me.

Imagine a Fireside

That is not to say that being tolerant means conceding our own beliefs and practices. It is entirely possibly and spiritually mandatory for Latter-day Saints to co-exist with people of other beliefs and cultures while being true to that which we believe.

Anchors and Pedals and Cleats, Oh My!

In the last year I’ve really gotten in to bicycling in a big way. As I’ve gotten more into it I’ve made adjustments to my bicycle and with the help of my sister’s family been able to upgrade some components. While out on a ride with my sister and nephew the other day, I had […]

Different Angles and Mendelssohn

I had an interesting experience the other day as I was taking a walk around the grounds of the Temple in Sacramento. As I paused for a moment in the shade of an oak tree, I looked up. 3 people like this post. Like Unlike

Don’t Panic

I was out on a bike ride today with my sister and brother-in-law.For all intents and purposes it was a pretty uneventful ride.  However when a bee flies into your helmet it can make life very interesting. 3 people like this post. Like Unlike

Circles and Lines

In many cases a circle is a good shape. The earth that Our Lord created is a circle.There’s a hymn that says “Improvement and Progression have one eternal round. ” (Hymns 1985 #284) And if you think about it, a circle has no beginning nor ending. Usually.  4 people like this post. Like Unlike

Working Through the Pain

The last two weeks have been very painful for me. My old back injury has been giving me big problems. When I wake up in the morning, I can barely stand. It feels like an internal hydraulic press is dragging my body into a standing contortion that is excruciating.

Let Me Not Forget, O Savior

One of my earliest memories is of sitting in a big chair around a table in some kind of outer office. I could faintly hear voices through a wall. I think one of the voices was my mother. I remember looking up and seeing a painting that I knew to be a representation of Jesus. I felt warm, peaceful, and happy. I think about that memory and the feeling I had often.

If Things Were Different

I want people who are harboring their struggle and suffering with it in secret to know that there are some positives that come from being open. I want them to know that they can dare to open up, if not in as public a way as I have, but to those they consider their friends and loved ones.

The Parable of the Driftwood

I’ve always had a great love of the sea. To some extent I suppose it’s genetic at least on my mother’s side of the family.Sometimes  it feels really good to get away for a few hours. Sometimes I even learn a few things about myself or life in general while walking on the beach. This […]

The Tipping Balance Tips

What I so often see is that a person will become so adamant about a certain cause that it becomes the lump in the balance that tips them over. I think it’s always a wise policy to recognize that God rules the universe, not me. Yet, I must recognize that I must take care to not place everything on one side of the scale. We must keep things in balance.

Pansies Never Shun the Fight

Wisdom and encouragement can sometimes come in unusual packages. Sometimes they can be great choruses or works of music created by some of the great composers. Sometimes, in words written by the saints and apostles of ages past as well as today. And sometimes from  an annoying ear worm or some very pretty flowers.  3 […]

Teach the Gospel

After making somewhat of a nuisance of myself in How Silence Feels, people have wondered just what it is I think that local church leaders should be saying about homosexuality. I think it is an easy question, at least in my mind, but may be a little overwhelming for others. Then again, it’s a subject […]

Hungry for Heaven

For me, true misery would be a life where I only did the easy things, because the only things I would have in my life are the things that are easy to get. There is plenty that I want out of life that is hard to get and I have no problem fighting for them. I’m happy that I have to fight for them.


I reluctantly focus on the negative responses I have received from members of the Church, but only because it illustrates the discrepancies in the attitudes of church members to homosexuality. Though I was told and still believe that my worthiness is a matter of my behavior, not my automatic feelings, those who have dealt unkindly with me have been more worried about my identity than my behavior